At the end of August, we shared a post discussing a sounder entering a cotton field. They essentially created their own trap site from a monitored bait area. This cotton farm is part of an area near our own Mr John’s property. He often uses his Kubota diesel utv to work his land nearby.

When we began adding panels to condition the hogs to our trap equipment on the 25th, the sounder disappeared. Was their absence due to the panels in place? Was it due to the strange vehicle that did not smell or sound like the diesel utv they were accustomed to? Or was it a factor completely unknown to us?

Since that date we have seen the wild hogs on various ICE cameras in the vicinity of the partial trap. Attached below is an ICE photo from early this morning. The sounder has been seen in this area on several occasions since the 25th. This ICE camera site is only 75 yards from an active Jager Pro trap. We are starting to think they have been trap-educated on a neighboring property.

The other photo is from the MINE camera at the partial trap. They gave us a bit of confidence to place 2 additional panels at the trap site. This time, Josey went in alone, however used Mr John’s diesel Kubota. He left the engine running to mask any sounds of placing the 2 panels. He also added additional Texas Hog Bait mix to the site.

We will continue watching this site and use the information we gather to decide what the next plan of action is. If the sounder tolerates the new panels, we will continue slowly adding pieces until it is complete. If they continue their trap shy behavior, we will step back and consider moving the system or changing our strategy.

We truly believe the data that shows how intelligent hogs are. They are not simply a stupid hog.  We have to continue working and watching to stay a step of head. At least until they are not so lucky anymore.